
Three Months
“I always tell the TRUTH, even when I lie.”” Al Pacino.
An Actor gives a sense of life by functioning from the inside out. Self-stimulation, intense feelings and emotions, those reflect in conscious reactions are the materials of an Actor’s Art. Actors resolve on their own experiences and emotions to express the TRUTH of the character.
Film Acting is a practical and philosophical system that channelizes the expressions of body, voice, imagination and improvisation through multiplex and modern Film techniques.
DPSFS demands passion, perseverance and high degree of commitment from the student, who has to become tomorrow’s efficient Actor. DPSFS believes that Acting is art and craft that depend upon lots of skill and technique. Only preparation infuses skill in the actor. So the designed course is intensive and ultra-careful. This way DPSFS prepares the Actor.
DPSFS mentors the student to sail smooth and firm with consolidated foundation in performing physical, vocal and mental skills for Film and Electronic media.
The very burgeoning glitter and glamour of stardom warrants high degree of competence from the actors. Expensive, time bound collaborative art of film making prefer trained and experienced artistes. So DPSFS prepares and empowers the actor to meet challenges and competence with scientific series of exercises inspired by the latest methodologies and techniques. Students will be familiar with oriental and western, Stanslavski’s, post Stanslavski’s like systems of acting. Meisner’s, Stella Adler’s, Michael Chekhov’s.
DPSFS is the best thing that can happen to an actor
New Techniques and methodologies in transforming a student into an Artist.
Mr Rammohan
“Theatre acting is an operation with a scalpel, movie acting is an operation with a laser.” Michael Caine.